It was an honour to be a part of the City of Unley’s Citizenship Ceremony and address our new Australian Citizens with a message to embrace every part of their history, their cultural heritage, and their story – because this shapes who we are, and each person’s uniqueness and diversity contributes to enriching our community and makes Australia an amazing place to call our home.
Australia Day is a day which holds great significance for many Australians. It is important to acknowledge and respect the diversity of views within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities surrounding January 26. There are parts of our history that are painful, and there are also parts in which we can derive hope, and pride.
I take great pride in the fact that Australia is home to the oldest continuing living culture in the entire world. And I also take pride in the fact that when half a million Europeans were displaced by World War II, Australia granted asylum to many refugees. Every part of our history forms the rich tapestry of who we are as a nation today and will continue to be an integral part of who we become in the future.
I see Australia Day as an opportunity to promote understanding, respect and reconciliation. We can all play a part to ensure Australia Day is one of inclusion and unity for all Australians, by being open and respectfully hearing every person’s view of what this day represents for them.
Today I reflect upon how grateful I am to be an Australian, in a community with a wonderful diversity of people and cultures, from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have been here for more than 65,000 years, to the people who have come from all corners of the globe to call our country home.
#inclusionanddiversity #australiaday #alwaysisandalwayswillbe #ausoftheyear